PhoneGap: Compiling a Release APK without using PhoneGap Build

While recently finishing up my first PhoneGap application (which was tailored strictly for the Android platform), I encountered a problem that wasted some of my time. I’m documenting the problem and solution below for the sake of others who may run into the same issue.

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PhoneGap: Prevent an Android Device's Screen from Sleeping

I’m currently developing an Android application via PhoneGap. It took me two entire workdays to learn how to prevent this application’s screen from dimming or sleeping (after 5 minutes of inactivity), so I want to document what I learned here for the sake of others who need to solve the same problem.

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A Clever Spam Delivery Mechanism

This week a client forwarded me a spam email he received that I thought was interesting. It is reproduced below, with sensitive information and spam links redacted out:

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Building a DIY Standing Desk

I spend a lot of time in front of a computer, and thus, a lot of time at a desk. Because I generally don’t like sitting still, and because I recently learned that sitting all day can kill you, I decided to try to build a standing desk. I’m documenting here a design that I came up with that is inexpensive, easy to build, and has proven to be very practical.

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A Payload Dump from a Malfunctioning Wordpress Spam Bot

I stumbled onto this comment in a client’s Wordpress database, and thought it was interesting. It looks like a spam bot malfunctioned and output all of (or at least, a large portion of) its comments. They are reproduced below:

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